Wednesday 15 June 2016

What does "2444 RCACC" mean to you?

For me it's happy faces, team work, meaningful challenges and advancement for youth aged 12-18 years. 2444 RCACC is the Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corp stationed at Camp Aldershot. I attended the Annual Ceremonial Review this June and was thrilled to meet so many cadets who were benefiting immensely from their participation in the cadet program.

Sergeant Adams 2444 Royal Canadian Army Cadet
The commanding and visiting officers, legion members and other guests in attendance were very impressed by these young men and women on parade.

The thrills of the day truly began as I traveled to booths to speak directly with cadets at the displays they had produced to outline what enrollment in cadets can offer. That includes summer learning opportunities and travel as well as employment that provides an opportunity for cadets to save for post-secondary education.

Sergeant Adams and his Commanding Officer Mandy Forbes are hopeful recruitment night at Camp Aldershot on Wednesday September 7 will bring many new recruits from the nearby communities of Centreville, Aldershot, Meadowview, North Kentville, etc.


  1. 2444 was my life line as a teenager..I wouldn't be who I am today if I didn't attend cadets! Reunion in July for those that attended from 1970-1990...join group on facebook if you haven't already!

    1. Sonia---thanks for your comment. Hope the reunion is amazing and a ton of fun!
