Monday, 28 January 2013

Target Gaming Proposal for Steam Mill

Join us for a public information meeting on Tuesday February 5 at 5:30PM.  This meeting will happen right before the regular Council Meeting in Council Chambers.

This meeting is about an application to allow a target gaming operation at 1429 Lakewood Road in Steam Mill. 

If you haven't been to a Council Chambers before --- they are in the same building as the law courts (Municipal Complex, 87 Cornwallis Street, Kentville). 

A public information meeting:
  • Provides an overview of all the relevant planning policies.
  • Explains the proposal.
  • Provides an opportunity for the public to ask questions and to make comments on a proposed development agreement.
  • Is chaired by the Councillor for the district where the development is proposed.
Overall the public information meeting is designed to allow council and planners to get an "early response" from the public on a proposed development.

As a new councillor, this will be my first time chairing a Planning Meeting.  I am looking forward to that and to seeing you there.
Further information, specific to this proposal, is available.  Dawn Sutherland is the Planner assigned to this proposal.  Dawn is happy to provide information and can be reached by phone (678-1472) or by email at
P.S. If there's a storm this information meeting will be rescheduled for Tuesday, February 19, 2013 at 1:00PM.  It will be held at the same location. 

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