Thursday, 31 January 2013

Nature-Deficit Disorder

I've just returned from the Western Nova Scotia Recreation Summit held at the Annapolis Basin Conference Centre, Cornwallis, Nova Scotia. 

I attended with Councillor Hirtle, District 4.  We will be requesting time at Council of the Whole to provide a report to council.  But in the meantime I wanted to share with you the phrase that I am most likely to remember from this conference: “Nature-Deficit Disorder”.

It’s from the book: “Last Child in the Woods.” 

The authour of this book Richard Louv links a lack of outdoor play and access to nature to… “some of the most disturbing childhood trends, such as rises in obesity, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and depression.”

I've taken a quick on-line look at this book.  Reviews are strong. 

It matches research with practical tips to get us and our kids back to the great outdoors. 

I'll leave you to check out more about this --- if it intrigues you as much as it does me.  Perhaps Louv is right in his belief that: “The more high-tech we become, the more nature we need.”  He can be found at:

Monday, 28 January 2013

Target Gaming Proposal for Steam Mill

Join us for a public information meeting on Tuesday February 5 at 5:30PM.  This meeting will happen right before the regular Council Meeting in Council Chambers.

This meeting is about an application to allow a target gaming operation at 1429 Lakewood Road in Steam Mill. 

If you haven't been to a Council Chambers before --- they are in the same building as the law courts (Municipal Complex, 87 Cornwallis Street, Kentville). 

A public information meeting:
  • Provides an overview of all the relevant planning policies.
  • Explains the proposal.
  • Provides an opportunity for the public to ask questions and to make comments on a proposed development agreement.
  • Is chaired by the Councillor for the district where the development is proposed.
Overall the public information meeting is designed to allow council and planners to get an "early response" from the public on a proposed development.

As a new councillor, this will be my first time chairing a Planning Meeting.  I am looking forward to that and to seeing you there.
Further information, specific to this proposal, is available.  Dawn Sutherland is the Planner assigned to this proposal.  Dawn is happy to provide information and can be reached by phone (678-1472) or by email at
P.S. If there's a storm this information meeting will be rescheduled for Tuesday, February 19, 2013 at 1:00PM.  It will be held at the same location. 

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Launch of Cultural Map for Kings County

With great enthusiasm I'm passing along an invite to come to the launch of the Cultural Map of Kings County.

When:  Wednesday, February 6th at 6:30pm
Where: Room 2101 Kingstec Campus in Kentville. 

There'll be a demonstration of this web-based map.  You'll see and hear digital stories--they are inspiring.  There will also be a guided discussion of the overall project.

Volunteer extraordinaire Genevieve Allen gave council a sneak preview earlier this month.  I couldn't have been more impressed!  For me it was simply "Proof Positive" that we must find a way to keep more of our talented young family members right here at home.

If you want to explore what our cultural map is all about visit the Kings Cultural Map website.

Friday, 18 January 2013

2050 Vision Statement Released

Presentation of the 2050 Vision Statement at 11AM on Tuesday January 22, was cancelled.  The consultants couldn't travel from Halifax due to a snow storm. In the meantime...

Here's the link: 2050 Vision

I encourage you to take an up close and personal look at this vision statement. The idea is that this vision will guide the planning department in the years immediately ahead.

If you attended 2050 sessions and workshops ask yourself... Is this vision document an accurate reflection of what you understood participants to say?

If you weren't able to attend... I'd be interested to know if this document reflects what you and/or your neighbours think should happen in Kings County between 2013 and 2050.

There will be an opportunity to speak at the podium at the close of the COTW.

11Am on a workday is not the ideal time for the public to be present.  But if that time works for you a welcome awaits in council chambers!  Hope to see you there.

Mini-home park application closing

Mr. Fisher, developer and proponent of a mini-home park for Centreville that time it was determined that responses to the county for has failed to submit additional information required for the development process to proceed. 

The file is now officially inactive and in the process of being closed.

The planners tell me that: "The applicant may apply again for the same proposal, or even a different proposal, but the process would start again at the beginning. This would include all of the applicable fees and the need for a new Public Information Meeting."

As your councillor I would be specifically notified of any such application and, of course, I would promptly let you know.

I trust there will be a few well deserved celebrations in Centreville among all the folks who did such a terrific job in demonstrating their opposition to Mr. Fisher's planned development!

Please don't hesitate to call me 670-2949 or to email if you have any questions.