The Municipality of the County of Kings filed its application with the Utility and Review Board on February 12, 2016. The application reduces the number of councillors from eleven to eight. The application also amends the boundaries of polling districts.
As I see it, the amendment of the boundaries is confusing and the method employed to decide boundaries is unwarranted. There is the perception that boundary choices were made to favour some of the current councillors while disadvantaging others as the county looks to the municipal election of October 2016.
Documents and files related to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board's upcoming hearing can be found by searching Case Number M07312. The title for the case is:
MB-16-01: Municipality of the County of Kings - reduce the number of councillors and polling districts
MB-16-01: Municipality of the County of Kings - reduce the number of councillors and polling districts
Questions about the process can be posed to:
Elaine Wagner
Chief Clerk of the Board
Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board
1601 Lr. Water Street, Suite 300
PO Box 1692, Postal Unit “M”
Halifax, NS B3J 3S3
Telephone: (902)424-4448
Toll Free: 1-855-442-4448