This was the finishing touch to a large playground project that couldn't have been completed on time and on a limited budget without an extraordinary squad of community volunteers. Official Opening is August 22.
The donation of valuable time and skills was crucial to success every step along the way. It's beautiful. It's well-used. It's a testament to the "yes we can" attitude of this amazing community.
A few yards of sod short? No problem. Evan Smith (on vacation) will go pick the remainder up with his truck and lay it today. Can't let vacation time get in the way of helping. Today's rain afterall is a bonus that is helping make the new sod happy!
Installing this playground was a key part of the park's renewal project. This project started with community consultations by recreation students from Acadia. Next project will be on stream soon... An outdoor learning centre, new bathrooms, and a brand new trail from the parking lot to link all the new amenities together. While the playground project drew minimally, but thankfully, on municipal funds, the next will be completed with a zero draw on property tax dollars. Well done Centreville!