Saturday, 13 June 2015

Pamala Pick of Centreville knows Literacy Changes Lives!

From Literacy Nova Scotia

Pamala Pick, from Centreville, was awarded the Nova Learning Inc. Nova Scotia Learner Award for her dedication and outstanding achievements. The 39-year-old single mother of two has faced many challenges, but with dedication and support from her instructors at the NSCC Kinstec Campus, she persevered. 

“She is the type of student that Literacy Nova Scotia is all about, and she is the type of student that makes a teacher excited to come to work every day,” says Pick’s instructor, Trevor Capern, with tears in his eyes. “After one year, I had instructors from post-secondary programs at the college coming to me telling me that Pam was teaching their students how to write effectively.”

Pick will receive her high school diploma in June of 2015. She has been accepted into the Community Disability Supports Program at the NSCC Kingstec Campus. “This experience has changed my life, and I can now walk into a room and hold my head high.”