Just about every family wishing to keep loved ones close to home clearly identifies economic development as job one for their elected representatives. I’d even argue that turning council's attention more fully to sustaining and creating good jobs is long, long overdue.
As I’ve been studying line after line in Kings County’s proposed budget for 2013-2014 I’ve been pushing for less ad-hoc spending on much and sundry in order to set significant dollars aside for three important areas:
• Economic development (creating and sustaining local jobs).
• Capital reserves for the infrastructure renewal that will be sorely needed in the years ahead. (Much of our infrastructure is aging and we don't have a solid plan in place to fund replacements and repairs).
• Increases in grants to local organizations for community economic development iniatives.
The initial goal was to approve the 2013-2014 budget in April. Staff and council members who are not new are noting that past budgets have not solicited so much discussion or debate. In that sense the later date anticipated for approving this year’s budget will be a good thing because council is struggling with decisions aimed at spending close to 50 million dollars wisely.
It is my position that your council will need to start work on the 2014-2015 budget as soon as this one is approved. That process is needed to ensure that priorities for our next budget will be more clearly identified and researched. We have no shortage of skills in our finance department. What is needed is innovation and direction from council to best use that talent.
Here are some of the web resources I am zeroing in on:
As always, I hope to hear from you, the people who experience Kings County's strengths and weaknesses each and every day. Please don’t hesitate to be in touch.