Monday, 11 February 2013

Summer Employment Opportunity --- Students 17-30 yrs old

Today I received the following information about a cost-effective way for a community group to complete an outdoor project during this summer. 


Here are the details as received and being passed along to you... There's a website link at the end for those who wish to  consider applying.

Clean Nova Scotia is pleased to announce that the community partner project application forms are now available for the Nova Scotia Youth Conservation Corps (NSYCC) 2013 summer program (see attached application form). This is an opportunity for Nova Scotian organizations to deliver an environmental project this summer with financial support for the wages of two to four youth. The NSYCC contributes 75% of project labour costs, while the community partner is responsible for 25% of project labour costs and all other project costs. Below is an overview of the program.

Program Overview:
The Nova Scotia Youth Conservations Corps (NSYCC) program’s goal is to build connections between young people and local community organizations to stimulate stewardship for the natural environment and the emergence of young community leaders. We do this through engaging youth in the environmental field through hands-on work experience and knowledge sharing with their peers and mentors, in an effort to empower and leave them with a sense of wonder about the natural environment. The NSYCC connects community-based organizations across Nova Scotia with enthusiastic summer interns (aged 17-30) to carry out innovative environmental projects throughout the summer. We provide training, support and green-job exposure to young Nova Scotians to build their competencies, knowledge and passion to become stewards of the environment and leaders in their community. This is accomplished by coordinating the placement of capable youth who offer people power for the local organizations to better undertake activities that address the environmental needs in their community.

Program Eligibility:
The NSYCC partners with non-profit community organizations, municipalities, and other community groups to provide meaningful work experience in the environmental field for youth age 17 to 30. The NSYCC does not consider projects that are of direct economic benefit to a business or that involve work normally carried out by unionized employees.
Community partners may submit multiple applications for different projects. Organizations may request crews of between two and four youth. The NSYCC contributes 75% of the labour costs, while the community partner is responsible for 25% of the labour costs and all other project costs. The NSYCC labour cost fee structure for the full summer program is as follows:

Number of NSYCC Crew Members
Community Partner (25%)

Student hourly wage is $11.15/hour. The students work 35 hours a week for nine weeks through the NSYCC program.

All project proposals must be submitted via email to Julia Pelton at by midnight on Sunday, February 24, 2013. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact:

Julia Pelton | Managing Coordinator, Nova Scotia Youth Conservation Corps | Clean Nova Scotia
p: (902) 420-7932 | e: | | 126 Portland Street, Dartmouth, NS, B2Y 1H8

Debbie Nielsen
Municipal Sustainability Coordinator
Union of Nova Scotia Municipalities
Suite 1106, 1809 Barrington Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3K8
Telephone: 902 423-8312
Cell Phone: 902 240-6922
Fax: 902 425-5592